Mirror Facing Bedroom Door

Mirror Facing Bedroom Door

Vastu: How Mirrors Influence Money And Health Status

Vastu: How Mirrors Influence Money And Health Status

Are you planning to buy a home? If it is an under-construction property, then getting it customised according to your wishes is easier. But, what if it is a ready-to- move-in apartment? It is not easy, but small changes to your ready-to-move-in apartment (where chances of customisation are minimal) can bring in lots of positive energy to the house.

A mirror is a very small object, but it plays an important role in bringing positive energy to your house. It has a significant Vastu component, which is capable of affecting positive as well as negative energy. Traditionally, a mirror is used as looking glass, but few know about an effect it can have on positive and negative energy.  Vastu Shastra classifies mirrors that have the capacity to stagnate and deteriorate energy. So, to lead a comfortable and peaceful life, it is important to place mirrors in appropriate positions and directions.

Applying simple changes in mirror placement could increase wealth in your house. Following are few Vastu tips regarding mirror positions.

Also Read: Vastu Tips For Study Room

Positive effect

  • If mirrors are placed opposite the locker of your house, this can double wealth.
  • Placing mirrors in the north direction is fruitful. As north is the center of Lord Kubera- God of Wealth, it is important to keep this direction energetic and positive.
  • To sustain good energies that help increase wealth, any kind of businessman can place mirrors adjacent to the cash box. This will not only increase the wealth but will also attract more customers.
  • For better health, mirrors in the bathroom should be on the east or north walls. This helps in removing negativity and bring in brightness.
  • In dressing rooms, mirrors should be placed within 4 to 5 feet above ground level.

Negative effect

  • South east is a fire direction. If you enhance this by placing a mirror, chances of quarrels and tiffs will become greater. So, avoid fixing looking glass in this direction.
  • Vastu Shastra advises not to place mirrors opposed to each other. This will encourage restlessness.
  • According to Vastu, the kitchen should not be in the north-east direction. This direction magnetic energy. So, fire can easily destroy positive magnetic energy.
  • According to Vastu, mirrors should not face north or east. This may reflect away positive energy entering from the north or east direction.
  • For a good health and peaceful sleep, mirrors should be avoided in bedrooms. According to Vastu, if there is a mirror in the bedroom then it should not face the bed.
  • Mirrors should not face the entrance or the entry gate of the house, as they reflect the energy entering the house.

Quick Vastu tips

*Square and rectangular mirrors are good for the house; oval and round shaped mirrors should be avoided.

*For positive results, individuals suffering from sleeplessness, headache or heart problems could place a three-inch mirror between the mattress and the bed, facing upward.

*Mirrors in the bathroom should be sufficiently lighted, and should be never kept in the dark.

*Mirrors reflecting sunlight, a bed or main door attract negative energies. Hence, they should be carefully placed.

*Discard broken, rusted or unused mirrors in the house. These can be a source of hindrance for the overall positive environment.

*It is believed that using large mirrors in the dressing table and looking at oneself in it early in the morning increases positivity and is regarded auspicious.

*However, care should be taken while placing the dressing table in the bedroom. The mirror should never reflect the person on the bed that can lead to health issues.

*Never hang mirrors on the ceilings or the south walls as it can bring negative energies.

*Window panes and doors made of glass also act as mirrors. Cover them with curtains to avoid any ill effects.

*Mirrors should not be positioned opposite to one another which can cause restlessness, impatience or anger.

Also Read: Vastu Tips For Choosing The Right Apartment

Applying these simple Vastu tips in proper placement of mirrors in your home can bring in immense positive energy, greater wealth and good health.

Last Updated: Fri Sep 24 2021






Mirror Facing Bedroom Door

Source: https://www.makaan.com/iq/living/vastu-how-mirrors-influence-money-and-health-status#:~:text=For%20a%20good%20health%20and,the%20energy%20entering%20the%20house.

Mirror Facing Bedroom Door Mirror Facing Bedroom Door Reviewed by williams on Desember 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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